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Hello, I’m Lexi and this is my blog A Scenic Find.

Here you’ll find travel tips with a photographic focus, sprinkled with my personal experiences while traveling the world as a frequent traveler. Its a guide to capturing memories around the world.

I hope this site will give you some inspiration and tons of photography tips to help take better photos. I’ve traveled to about 30 countries in the past 10 years and its not as scary, annoying or hard as I thought.

Want to know more? Read the Most Asked Questions below!

Take pictures, because even your memory will fail you eventually.

Most Asked Questions
How do you manage to travel the world?

I pay for my own trips (but have done sponsored travel / free stays in the past). If a company or tourism board has paid for my trip I’ll note it on the article, however I prefer to travel on my own as ‘free travel’ is not as relaxing.

When did you start your blog?

This blog has been online since around 2017, but I stopped writing it around 2019 or so. In February 2025 I decided to scrap it and start again for fun as I love a good start over.

Aren’t blogs dead? Why are you writing one?

I actually do think blogs are dead. Or at least slowly dying with recent changes around AI and google.

I decided this was perfect timing to re-start my blog and write it in a way that I actually wanted to write, instead of trying writing strictly to SEO. Every time I thought about writing for my blog for the past 5 years I’ve been too bored to actually do it.

I am writing this blog for my friends and family to see what I’m up to (when I feel like updating it), but also share some tips. I think its super cool to have this online space my kids can look through in the future with my own photos and words.

I’ll be slowly adding and re-writing past articles that I deem worthy to stay, and then will start adding some of my more recent travels in the past 5 years.

More Questions
Do you accept guest posts or promotional pieces?

No, this is a personal blog so I don’t intend to have other writers doing guestposts or promotions. I want it to cover only places I have actually visited. If you want a place promoted, I may accept sponsored travel.

What camera do you use?

I use a sony a6500 and a Nikon D3000 converted IR camera. I can no longer see most of the labels on my sony so I will definitely upgrade at some point. I also have a go pro hero black and some sort of samsung flip phone (its purple).

Why a photography focus?

Before I scrapped the blog to start again, I polled my readers to see what niche they wanted me to focus on and the response was overwhelmingly about photography.

My photos are definitely not the best but I figured I’d improve as I go. I definitely have some tips around travel photography and capturing memories even if I’m not Nat Geo level in my shots.

A Scenic Find © Copyright 2025. All rights reserved.